Lobular is the second most common type of breast cancer (approx 15% of all breast cancers).
Lobular should be seen as a distinct disease as it behaves differently to other breast cancers.
Lobular is the 7th most common type of cancer in women yet currently it has no specific treatment.
Lobular rarely forms a lump.
Lobular is often not detected with mammograms and ultra sound and frequently diagnosed later.
MRI imaging is suggested to be a better imaging format for lobular.
Lobular has longer term poorer outcomes.
Lobular has been under studied, under funded and needs urgent research funding.
Without specific research we will never have a specific treatment for lobular - please donate today. Become a part of the Lobular Moon Shot Project
To obtain more details about lobular breast cancer please visit one of the following websites:
Lobular Breast Cancer UK, Lobular Breast Cancer Alliance, Lobular Ireland or European Lobular Breast Cancer Consortium.